Thursday, February 13, 2014


Despite being completely on schedule a month ago with getting this blog ready for August, things couldn't keep running smoothly, because that would just be too perfect. No. My laptop had to break and I had to lose access to all my files including all the posts to start appearing on this blog in August. Yep, they're all gone at the moment.

This blog and story is so ridiculously planned out so I can't just keep writing without those files. So hopefully I can get my computer genius dad to get them back for me soon and I can get to work on this blog, and everything here will start on time... hopefully. I have six months right? I can do this right? ...maybe?

Thursday, January 16, 2014


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Monday, November 25, 2013

Coming in 2014

Coming in August 2014 is the story of eight college students who end up rooming together. The story that follows is a bond that changes their lives forever. Facing heartache and trials they help each other make it through university life together.

This story will take place like a television series taking place in real-time with a new story each week. It will begin in August 2014 when fall semester begins. The story is loosely based of my personal college experience.

If you would like to support this story to make it a reality, please donate to the cause. Thank you all for your support!